About The Artist
Emboddity is the name under which artist and award-winning film producer Elizabeth Yoffe creates her luminous abstract photo art.
Her love of photography began at Bennington College where she spent hours in the darkroom immersed in the mysterious, alchemical pleasure of developing film. As a producer she remains captivated by the artistry of light and lens.
Elizabeth’s artwork is influenced by her kinesthetic synesthesia which allows her to experience color, light, sound and shape as feelings within her body. She always perceived the world in a heightened way, but after recovering from a disabling stroke in her thirties by using neuroplasticity, visualization, dance, music and meditation, the rewiring of her nervous system enhanced her sensory perception.
To date this emerging artist’s work has been featured in international art journals 'Utsanga' and 'Art Reveal', and in juried group exhibitions including The New York Center for Photographic Art, Marin Society of Artists, Grey Cube Gallery, Art Show International, The Purposeful Mayo, Arts District Boston, Art Fluent, Verum Ultimum Art Gallery, B.Extraordinaire, Gallerium Art, Anne Marie Sculpture Garden, Dallas Center For Photography, Exhibizone Exhibitions, Well Well Projects and the Cultural Center of Cape Cod.